Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year 2014

Beginning a new year starts with another shipment to Haiti and NVM! 

Total shoes collected 550!!!!! -awesome-!

50 pairs in route (thank you Amy Maddox) and feminine hygiene packages (thank you Jacque Jones). 

It is my desire to join a medical team this spring and go witness the many Shoes for Haiti at work for the local beautiful people of Haiti. 

Collections still in need; challenge your small groups; Sunday school
classes; youth group; book clubs or just family and friends to collect Shoes for Haiti. Make it fun and exciting to give back. 

Anything I can do to assist in collecting Shoes for Haiti; just let me know. 

Facebook me at or or just email me:

You can always post a blog to this page, as well. 

Happy New Year and thank you all
for caring about the sweet Haitians at Nehemiah Vision Ministries; Haiti is already a better place because of NVM and the shoes you have collected.
